Baptism is the first of the seven Sacraments of the Church. It is a wonderful celebration that marks your child’s entry into the Christian family. We will do all that we can to welcome and help you prepare for your child’s Baptism. If you have any questions, then never hesitate to get in touch.
As Baptism is such an important step and is very much a decision you make for your child, it makes sense to fully understand the commitment that you will be undertaking. The opening question of the ‘Rite of Baptism’ reads:
You have asked to have your child baptised. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him(her) in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him(her) up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?
It is worth taking the time to discuss this with other members of your family to explore your ability to make such a commitment.
It is important that we understand what is required of everyone throughout the Baptism process. Here are a couple of points that we need to remember. Firstly, at least one of the parents MUST be Roman Catholic. Secondly, there can be no more than one Godparent of each gender per child (there may be others as witnesses but only the names of the Godparents will appear on the register/certificate).
Our Baptism Preparation Course takes place at St Bede’s Church and consists of two sessions for parents:
(both sessions must be attended before a date is set)
NEXT STEP: If you would like to have your child Baptised then please speak to Fr Mariadass at the end of Sunday Mass.
Session 1
This is a gentle introduction to the Sacrament and helps parents to explore the reasons for choosing to have their children baptised.
Session 2
This is a deeper look at the rich symbolism of Baptism so that parents and families will have a greater understanding of the baptismal liturgy.
Baptismal Certificates/
Proof of Baptism

For St Bede’s
for St Joseph’s, Benwell (before 2012)
If you require proof of Baptism
for yourself or your child
(if your child is under the age of eighteen)
then please provide the relevant information
(Full name, DOB, Parents’ names and date of baptism if known)
on our ‘Contact Us’ page.