All Saints Parish, Newcastle upon Tyne

St Bede's, St George'S &
St Robert's

Welcome to the Catholic parishes of All Saints (at St. George’s, Bell’s Close and St. Bede’s, Denton Burn and St Robert’s, Fenham). Our three churches are part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle. 

If you’re new to the area, looking to come back to Mass after some time away, or thinking of becoming Catholic we’d like to extend you a special welcome. New faces are always warmly received, so please do come along and introduce yourself after Mass. Our Mass times are available on the current newsletter. 

God Bless,
Fr Mariadass

“Love one another…  be fervent in spirit…  serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”

Romans 12:10-12 


Our Parishes operate in accordance with Statutory safeguarding guidance and the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency( CSSA) and Diocesan policies and procedures at all times.  Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Deirdre Grzebalski (St. Bede’s) & Stephen Campbell (St. George’s). 

Alternatively, the Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 0191 2433305 or at:

The Celebration of the Mass


Attending Mass

St Bede’s, Denton Burn
 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10:00am

Sunday 9:30am




Attending Mass

St George’s, Bells Close

Thursday 10:00am

Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00pm 


Sacramental Preparation

Baptism is the first of the seven Sacraments of the Church. It is a wonderful celebration that marks your child’s entry into the Christian family. . .

Our Confirmation programme for all young people, in Y9 and above, is co-ordinated and celebrated on a Partnership level

The programme for preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are delivered through the Parish and follow the Diocesan Programme. . .

Preparing for a Wedding is complicated, but preparing for marriage addresses the heart of a relationship that needs time and guidance.