Holy Communion
As Catholics, we believe that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has called it the “Sacrament of Love”:
“The Eucharist is at the heart of ‘Christian initiation’, together with Baptism and Confirmation, and it constitutes the source of the Church’s life itself. From this Sacrament of love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion, and of witness.”
The programme for preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are delivered through the Parish and follow the Diocesan Programme. Catholic Year 4 Pupils from St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Primary School are automatically invited onto the programme through their schools. Any Parishioner who has a Catholic child, who is in Year 4 or above, in a non-Catholic school can also be included in the programme – if your child falls into this category please speak to Fr Mariadass.
Sacramental Programme
Following the Diocesan Programme, each session begins during Sunday Mass and is followed up by a session led by the Catechists.
Class Dates
Class Theme
- Gathering
- Baptism – Welcome to the family of God
- Reconciliation – Penitential Rite
- Listening – Liturgy of the Word
- Gifts we offer – The Offertory
- Give Thanks – Liturgy of the Eucharist
- Take and Eat – Liturgy of the Eucharist
- First Holy Communion Day
- Sending Forth – Certificates Distributed